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Nasal Spray, Intramuscular, or Intravenous

What is NAD?

NAD is a coenzyme naturally found in every cell in the body that can maintain DNA integrity and reverse cellular damage. NAD levels naturally decline due to:

  • Aging,

  • Stress,

  • Environmental factors.

Replenishing these levels may provide a wide range of anti-aging benefits.

NAD IV therapy delivers NAD+ and a blend of complimentary vitamins (B-Complex Vitamins, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Glutathione) directly into the bloodstream, making it the most efficient and effective way to restore natural levels of this coenzyme.

NAD's Role in Your Metabolism

NAD works on mitochondria and increases the length of telomeres, which are the protective caps located at the ends of chromosomes that become shorter as the body ages. NAD increases the activity of SIRT1 and PARP 1 proteins, which are linked with a slower rate of aging and influencing DNA repair respectively. – source

NAD Benefits and Uses

Research into the effects of NAD on the body is ongoing, but many studies have shown promising results of the benefits of NAD supplementation and restoration across a wide range of conditions.

NAD can help individuals who are:

  • Recovering from addiction and substance abuse: NAD helps reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

  • Interested in extending their lifespan: NAD is essential for DNA repair and plays a role in delaying the aging process.

  • Interested in restoring neurological function: NAD can help restore brain function and reduce the risk of neurological disorders.

  • Experiencing cognitive decline: NAD can improve cognitive function and help with memory loss.

  • Restore muscle function and improve athletic performance: NAD can improve muscle function and increase endurance, leading to better athletic performance

  • Seeking to boost a weight-loss regimen: NAD can help increase metabolism and reduce inflammation, which can aid in weight loss.

  • Seeking to reduce their fatigue and improve overall energy levels: NAD can improve mitochondrial function and increase energy production.

  • Slow the aging process: NAD is involved in DNA repair and plays a role in delaying the aging process.

  • Improve brain health: NAD can help protect brain cells, reduce the risk of neurological disorders and improve brain function.

  • Improve mental clarity and clear brain fog: NAD can improve cognitive function and help with memory loss.

  • Battle anxiety and depression: NAD can improve brain function and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

You don’t have to wait until you are experiencing a medical condition to experience the benefits of NAD IV therapy. This versatile treatment helps promote whole-body wellness and can help your body maintain optimal performance over time.

NAD IV treatments supplement and restore the levels of this powerful coenzyme in your body. A specialized saline solution containing a concentrated dose of NAD is delivered directly into the bloodstream, making it available to your cells for immediate use. Because NAD bypasses the digestive and metabolic systems, you can expect a 100% absorption rate for maximum effect and minimal waste.

Addiction and Recovery

NAD is a holistic alternative to medication-based solutions for individuals undergoing addiction and recovery treatment. NAD is especially useful for patients who want to avoid the side effects of medications.

NAD detoxifies the body, replacing essential vitamins and nutrients that are typically depleted in individuals who engage in substance abuse. NAD reduces withdrawal symptoms by binding to opiate receptors, which can help individuals overcome cravings and risk of relapse. At the same time, this powerful coenzyme naturally protects the brain and accelerates recovery.

NAD also helps stimulate energy production, which helps combat the fatigue that typically occurs during detox. People in recovery often try to boost energy using sugar, caffeine, or other substances that can cause crashes or jitters. Improving the body’s energy levels naturally helps reduce the likelihood that individuals will attempt to boost energy using these methods. A recovery clinic in Los Angeles found that NAD helped patients significantly with symptoms like anxiety, depression, and cravings during withdrawal from alcohol and opiates.

Generally, NAD therapy to aid substance abuse disorder recovery involves multiple treatment sessions over a period of time. The frequency and duration of NAD treatment may vary depending on the drug(s) involved, as well as the severity of the addiction.

Benefits of NAD IV Therapy for Addiction and Recovery Include:

  • Fewer withdrawal symptoms: NAD can help reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms during detoxification by supporting the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are often depleted during addiction.

  • Reduce cravings associated with withdrawal: NAD therapy can help reduce cravings associated with withdrawal by supporting healthy brain function and reducing the imbalances in neurotransmitters that can lead to cravings.

  • Restored energy levels: NAD is involved in cellular metabolism and energy production and can help restore energy levels during addiction recovery. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function, NAD+ can help improve energy production and reduce feelings of tiredness and lethargy.

  • Improved mood: NAD can help improve mood during addiction recovery by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and reducing inflammation in the brain. By promoting healthy brain function, NAD+ can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

  • Cell restoration: NAD can help restore cellular function and repair damage caused by addiction. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function and DNA repair mechanisms, NAD+ can help restore cellular health and reduce the risk of age-related diseases.

  • Improved brain function: NAD is essential for healthy brain function and can help improve cognitive function during addiction recovery. By supporting neurotransmitter synthesis and reducing inflammation in the brain, NAD+ can help improve brain function and reduce symptoms of cognitive impairment.

  • Improved cognitive clarity: NAD can help improve cognitive clarity during addiction recovery by promoting healthy brain function and reducing oxidative stress. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function and DNA repair mechanisms, NAD+ can help improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

How does NAD work?

Studies have shown promising results that a coenzyme known as NAD can:

  • Slow down the aging process,

  • Improve mental clarity,

  • Restore neurologic function,

  • Improve the body’s overall health.

NAD, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a coenzyme found in every cell within the body and is involved in many processes.

One of its most significant roles within the body is in oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions. These reactions are a part of the metabolic system and converts food into the energy the body needs to function properly.

The other important role that NAD plays is to regulate circadian and metabolic rhythm[1]. This coenzyme maintains DNA integrity and health and also functions as a quality control mechanism for new proteins.

Among other functions, NAD plays a significant role in anti-aging. NAD works on mitochondria and increases the length of telomeres, which are the protective caps located at the ends of chromosomes that become shorter as the body ages. NAD increases the activity of SIRT1 and PARP 1 proteins, which are linked with a slower rate of aging and influencing DNA repair respectively[2].

The body naturally produces NAD, but overall levels of the coenzyme decrease over time, leading to cellular changes that result in age-related pathologies.

Lower levels of NAD and bonds between certain types of molecules are linked to damage to DNA which, left unrepaired, accumulate over time into cell changes and mutations[3]. Restoring and supplementing NAD counteracts many of these reactions and help preserve the integrity of DNA over time.



NAD plays a major role in the aging process by regulating the circadian and metabolic cycles and acting as a regulator for new proteins. Changes in metabolism can lead to the development of certain age-related pathologies; NAD plays a role in the regulation of the Sir2p family, which influence lifespan and aging.

This coenzyme also helps protect the integrity of DNA, which becomes damaged over time from wear and tear, replication errors, and the damaging effects of free radicals. NAD is especially important in regulating inflammation that damages DNA over time. In addition, NAD can correct existing damage.

The body naturally produces NAD, but as the body ages, overall levels of this important coenzyme decrease and leads to the development of age-related conditions[11]. Restoring and supplementing NAD in the body can improve physical appearance, health, and quality of life.

Benefits of NAD IV Therapy for Anti-Aging Include:

  • Reverse aging: While it’s not possible to reverse aging entirely, NAD+ can help slow down the aging process. By promoting cellular repair and regeneration, NAD+ can potentially help reduce the signs of aging and improve overall health and vitality.

  • Improve appearance: NAD+ can support healthy skin by promoting cellular repair and regeneration, reducing inflammation, and boosting collagen production. This can help improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, and promote a more youthful appearance.

  • Restore muscle function: NAD+ is essential for muscle function and can help improve muscle strength, endurance, and recovery. By promoting mitochondrial function and reducing inflammation, NAD+ can help restore muscle function and reduce the risk of age-related muscle loss.

  • Restore athletic performance: NAD+ can help improve athletic performance by increasing endurance, reducing fatigue, and promoting muscle recovery. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function, NAD+ can improve energy production and help athletes perform at their best.

  • Reduce fatigue: NAD+ is involved in cellular metabolism and energy production, and can help reduce fatigue and improve overall energy levels. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function, NAD+ can help cells produce more energy and reduce feelings of tiredness and lethargy.

  • Boost energy levels: Similar to reducing fatigue, NAD+ can help boost energy levels by promoting healthy cellular metabolism and energy production. By increasing the availability of ATP (the body’s primary energy source), NAD+ can help improve physical and mental performance.

  • Boost metabolism: NAD+ is essential for cellular metabolism and can help boost metabolism by increasing the breakdown of fats and sugars for energy. By promoting healthy mitochondrial function, NAD+ can improve metabolism and support weight management.

  • Prevent damage to DNA: NAD+ is involved in DNA repair and can help prevent damage to DNA by repairing breaks and reducing oxidative stress. By supporting healthy DNA function, NAD+ can help prevent mutations and reduce the risk of age-related diseases.

  • Correct damage to DNA: In addition to preventing damage, NAD+ can also correct damage to DNA by promoting DNA repair and reducing oxidative stress. By supporting healthy DNA function, NAD+ can potentially reverse some of the damage caused by aging and environmental factors.

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