Estrogen & Progesterone Therapy
When Estrogen supplementation is used in HRT it can decrease or eliminate hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness and other symptoms caused by menopause. Progesterone aids in balancing female hormone levels, reducing the severity of PMS and Menopausal symptoms, and aid in treating infertility.
Estrogen and Progesterone therapies are other components of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for women. Estrogen therapy is a treatment option to decrease the symptoms of Menopause and aid in the balance of female hormones in the body. Estrogen can reduce the severity of hot flashes by 65%-90% and prevent vaginal dryness that causes pain during intercourse for women. Estradiol is the most potent naturally occurring form of the hormone Estrogen and it is usually given by injection every three weeks in women whose bodies have stopped producing enough of this hormone on their own.
Estrogen therapy is used to treat many symptoms of menopause, including:
Irregularity in menstrual cycles
Painful intercourse
Hot flashes and chills
Sleep disturbances and night sweats
Mood changes including irritability, depression, and anxiety
Slowed metabolism
Progesterone can be given in conjunction with Estrogen therapy to help maintain the balance of these two hormones in the female body. Changes in Progesterone levels can also contribute to menopausal symptoms and irregular menstruation cycles.
Progesterone may be prescribed to:
restart menstrual periods after unexplained stops
treat abnormal menstrual bleeding relating to hormone imbalances
treat severe symptoms of PMS like intense painful cramping and mood swings
Why might I need Estrogen or Progesterone?
In women, the decline of hormone production by the body begins around age 30. The ovaries are responsible for producing most of the female specific hormones, including Estrogen and Progesterone. In women around the age of 45 to 55, the imbalance or decline of these hormones can bring on symptoms of menopause. In younger women, imbalances of these hormones can lead to severe PMS symptoms, irregular and painful periods, ovarian cysts, and even infertility.
These hormones balance each other out and they are required to regulate menstruation and fertility. When the balance between these two hormones is thrown off, it can result in effects on the reproductive system, including an increased risk of ovarian cysts, infertility, or severe menopausal symptoms like intense hot flashes and night sweats. Supplementing these vital hormones to keep them balanced can help women get through menopause much more comfortably or help women maintain the hormone levels their body needs to function at its best.