Sometimes, modern life makes it hard to get rid of the weight you want to, despite your best efforts. That's where prescription appetite suppressants can come into play. You may find that prescription weight loss medications are just the thing needed to kick-start your weight loss and help you start reaching your goals.
Appetite suppressants are currently the most used weight loss medication, and, when taken correctly and combined with the right lifestyle changes, they can produce dramatic results. Like all weight loss solutions, it's important to do your research so that you understand what you're putting into your body.
Appetite suppressants promote weight loss by making the body believe it is full. They block out hunger sensations by increasing two chemicals in the body: serotonin and catecholamine, which affect mood and appetite. Most people find it very difficult to eat less when they are hungry, and appetite suppressants help in overcoming that emotional barrier. Taking the right prescription appetite suppressant for your needs while consuming fewer calories usually leads to success.
The FDA strongly recommends that you only use prescription appetite suppressants, as there are NO OTC (over-the-counter) appetite suppressants that have been approved by the FDA. Any OTC appetite suppressants or non-prescription appetite suppressants could be harmful to your body as they have not been examined and/or approved by the FDA. All appetite suppressants used by Body Aesthetics are FDA-approved for weight loss.
It can be so appealing to "lose the weight fast" and take the seemingly cheaper route to do so. The truth is that there is no magic way to lose weight fast, and any product that claims it can do that is a fraud.
To be specific, it is very unhealthy to lose more than a couple of pounds a week. This is where things can get dangerous, and you run the extremely high risk of hurting your body and compromising your health.
Not all appetite suppressants are the same. When you work with Body Aesthetics, we go over all your options to determine which weight loss medication is right for you, your body and your lifestyle.
It's always a good idea to know that there are options when it comes to appetite suppressants. Not all of them are effective or safe for consumption, which is why it is essential to consult with a board-certified medical weight loss provider when considering appetite suppressants and weight loss medications.
Body Aesthetics offers medically proven prescription appetite suppressants and ongoing support for all our patients.
The FDA has approved the following prescription appetite suppressants that we offer:
These are all in the Sympathomimetic family of appetite suppressants and are most commonly prescribed for the short-term management of excess weight.
When used in conjunction with diet, exercise, and behavior therapy, phentermine and phendimetrazine may help you to lose weight while you are learning new ways to eat and to exercise. Phentermine is a long-acting appetite suppressant (lasts all day), and Phendimetrazine and Diethylproprion are made both as a short and long-acting appetite suppressants (lasts a half-day to a full day).
Phentermine, Phendimetrazine, Diethylproprion, and Qsymia shouldn't be used as a substitute for proper diet or exercise. For maximum effects, they must be used along with a reduced-calorie diet and/or exercise. Any modifications in your diet, activity level, and behavior must be developed and continued long-term in order to continue losing weight and prevent the lost weight from returning.
Benefits of using appetite suppressants include:
Losing as much as 5 to 10 percent of your body weight (backed by research)
Less emotional dependence on food
Ability to mentally focus for longer without eating
The risks associated with appetite suppressants come mainly from side effects, which is why it is so important to start using appetite suppressants after being cleared by a licensed medical doctor.
Learn more about the benefits and potential risks associated with appetite suppressants.
**The Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program (CSPMP) is a program developed to promote the public health and welfare by detecting diversion, abuse and misuse of prescription medications classified as controlled substances under the Minnesota Uniform Controlled Substances Act. Every Provider who possesses a DEA registration is required also to possess a CSPMP registration issued by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy. At Body Aesthetics, we adhere to Minnesota CSPMP policy before prescribing a controlled substance to a
Consultations are for anyone looking into their medical weight loss and appetite suppressant options. In the consultations, we work together to develop a medical weight loss plan that is safe and effective for you. Our medical staff will take numerous factors into consideration when finding the right appetite suppressant for you. Different medications have different prices, so medication prices vary depending on the appetite suppressant.
Body Aesthetics will help you stay on track with your medical weight loss goals, checking in on you frequently regarding your general health, weight, etc. and adjusting your medical weight loss plan according to your needs. Schedule your consultation today, 612.961.9797
All patients always work directly with one of our board-certified medical providers to ensure patient safety and confidentiality.